Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Between the Breasts

between the breasts
of bestial
Marj lie large
men who praise

Marj's cleancornered strokable
body these men's
fingers toss trunks
shuffle sacks spin kegs they


the world has
these men's hands but their
bodies big and boozing
belong to

the greenslim purse of whose
face opens
on a fatgold

hoorah for the large
men who lie

between the breasts
of bestial Marj
for the strong men

sleep between the legs of Lil

- e.e. cummings

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Princess of Power.

This is She-Ra.

She is my friend Nick's dog.

total Princess of Power.

I love this dog.

even if she is 100 % purebred Bed Hog.

she's like one of those babies that really gets your biological clock all revved up....

after an afternoon of hanging out with the She-Ra i've got doggies on the brain.

that's how i'm going to end up with Eddie, my future Chinese Crested.


Monday, June 22, 2009

The Endless Summer Part Eleventybillion, or, My Trip to Westport.

We finally went to westport.

after much hemming.

and hawing.

and many cigarettes.

we even weren't too upset about a $700 ticket from a jerk-off cop.

there was a SURF COMPETITION for the love!!!

i sort of felt like i was back in so. cal.....even down to the cardigan i had to wear because it just "wasn't quite warm enough."

i did manage to get a 5,000 degree sunburn somehow.

it's nice and tan now.

a tan in the Northwest feels like such an exotic funny.

Besides the surf competition i had to go to Westport.

it was my duty.

i had to pay homage to my good friend 'Ginia.

Here she is:

This girl is not messin' around. i can't believe i ever tried to keep up with her. She rolls too tuff for me that's fo' sho'!!

Anyhow...'Ginia moved to Nevada a few weeks ago...i'm glad i took the opportunity to see her before she left.

And here's Patty Pat.

Lookin' like a mountain man.

Alas...the beard is no more....

too bad....

was a good trip.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


i see you once a year.

it's difficult to be so far away sometimes.

Time and the useless emotion called guilt are officially the price one pays for choosing to live 2,000 miles away.

i wonder if i will ever choose to go back.

i wonder if by the time i choose to do so it will be too late to enjoy the time.

but that's useless thinking too.

i do love you.

even at 30 you're not too old to just want your daddy.

happy father's day.


Monday, June 8, 2009

El Paso.

Robert Orly Curnutte
February 1931 - January 2009

October 3, 2008


I’m sitting here thinking about how to name my child after you.
The one I’ve yet to have.

You’re not even gone yet and already I’m trying to find away to keep
even the tiniest part of you here.

Even if it’s just your name.

More than anybody you know how much I hate change.
whether it’s the
seasons or
the color of the lights on the tree.
I think the only way I’ll make it through
is if I pretend you moved to El Paso.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Une Femme Etretenue....the pouty kind.

A kept woman in her boudoir.

A boudoir is a lady's private bedroom, sitting room or dressing room. The term derives from the French verb bouder, meaning "to pout"[1]. (

it suits don't you think?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Long Tall Texan.

That's my 16 1/2 year old brother.

My BABY brother.

i was 14 when he was born.

people thought he was MY BABY.

small town.

not completely unheard of.

but i suppose he was kind of my baby. i was old enough to take care of him and what-not.

although i left home when he was only 5 years old we share an eerie amount of personality similarities. we could be a case study for nature vs. nurture.

and eventhough i could probably count the number of times i've seen him in the last 10 years on both my hands, we remain siblings through and through and even now at ages 30 1/2 and 16 1/2 the bulk of our time together is spent whining and bickering over whom is breathing whose air.

it keeps things fun....

....and helps perpetuate my delusion that i'm still 15 and will always be 15.

thanks W.T.

p.s. the hat and ropes are for real. and by for real i mean the hat doesn't come off and the ropes are for animals. and by animals i mean steers and calves and 'fer the rodeo.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Friend Amos*

An excerpt from her FaceBook:

"I think that laughing is super important. So are hugs and being nice to each other. I know, it's sappy, but I don't give a frack. Life's too short to be pretty.Hitched to a Big Brit I met on Match. He's a good egg. He speaks Klingon and was a Dungeon Master. One of the smartest and most obstreperous men I've ever known.I'm in the middle of a crazy career transition, and very hopeful. Life is good...doggies are good...the act of creation keeps me grounded, centered and alive. I am super sensitive, which is wonderful and hard. I make amazing NoBake Cookies and Rice Krispie treats (if I may say so), and look forward with both excitment and horror at the prospect of having children. They will wear dragon costumes.Right now, I love pre-code movies from the 30s, reading sci-fi/fantasy under my maple tree, and sewing up a storm."

yeah...she's alright.

*names have been changed to protect the innocent. i think.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

5 AM Beauty

She grosses me out.


i mean....who looks that beautiful at 5:00 a.m. at a roadside overlook just outside of Yakima, WA??


we were on our way to boise to be with a good friend whose father passed away.

we went to bed at 11:00 p.m. in seattle and were up and on the road by 2:00 a.m.

we probably spent more time on the road that trip than we actually spent in boise.

but it was worth it.

and this photo of this girl who is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside is one of the many things that made it so.

i still kind of want to hate her and her 5:00 a.m. good looks. :)

(p.s. i told you that soft and glowy people would make an appearance....expect more. MUA AHA HA HA HAHAH AHA HAHA.)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Eyeballs, dress-up and Some Very Bad Math.

i wanted to try and do one post a day...but i'm excited and a boring old introduction shouldn't really count anyway.

..i'm over zealous.

..and slightly fixated.

plus i really love this picture.

this is a friend of mine who poses for me fairly regularly.

in fact, i probably got into this whole photography thing because she likes to play dress up....

...i suddenly feel as though i should clarify.

but i won't.

soooooo......yeah.....dress up.... cameras....


i love shooting her.

it's the eyes.

i want to blow this sucker up like 7 foot by some other feet (i'm super good at math) and have it consume an entire wall.

that eyeball.

and that curl.


thank you Leisel Von Hoppenschtein for always giving such good eyeball.

Me. Here I Am. Hi!


i suppose i should start this off in the usual way.

name is erica and this is my place. i kind of detest the word "blog" in the same way i detest skinny jeans and katie perry...something about the way it sounds makes me make TheFace. fittingly, the publishing tool i have used to create my little nook in the ether world is called Bloggerwhich iduces a double shot of TheFace....but alas, what can you do...use WordPress is suppose....


this is a photo B**g, right?

this is an early self portrait shot at Golden Gardens in Seattle. i was in a weird, "everyone looks better in sepia" phase then. as opposed to the "everybody looks better soft and glowy" phase i'm in now. you'll see...soft and glowy people will pervade this B**g.

back to the sepia photo in question - it was a beautiful late afternoon in September.

kelsey was dancing, danny was playing and everything felt right with the world.

if only we knew better which moments to hold most tightly to....

thanks for stopping by!

(and for not judging my liberal use of ellipses and sporadic Capitalization...)