after much hemming.
and hawing.
and many cigarettes.
we even weren't too upset about a $700 ticket from a jerk-off cop.
there was a SURF COMPETITION for the love!!!
i sort of felt like i was back in so. cal.....even down to the cardigan i had to wear because it just "wasn't quite warm enough."
i did manage to get a 5,000 degree sunburn somehow.
it's nice and tan now.
a tan in the Northwest feels like such an exotic luxury....how funny.
Besides the surf competition i had to go to Westport.
it was my duty.
i had to pay homage to my good friend 'Ginia.
Here she is:

Anyhow...'Ginia moved to Nevada a few weeks ago...i'm glad i took the opportunity to see her before she left.
Alas...the beard is no more....
too bad....
was a good trip.
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